Trump/Vance v. Harris/Walz

Pro-Life v. Pro-Death

American Catholics: 1 MILLION AMERICAN LIVES every year hang in the balance on the US election in November — more depending on the outcome of world events.

You must choose…but please choose wisely.


Has there ever been a clearer Life v. Death choice on a presidential ballot?

Harris: supports abortion up to birth, for any reason. (More information in the July CA article below.)

(click on image to link to article)

Harris’ is patently anti-religious and anti-Catholic:

(click on image to link to article)

Walz: supports abortion-on-demand, without limits, up until the moment of birth.

Walz also stripped NEWBORNS of the right to receive lifesaving care if they survive a ‘failed’ abortion. (An abortion ‘fails’ when the doctor fails to kill the baby.) Clearly, under any interpretation a newborn is an American citizen who should have full rights under the Constitution.

The President of Planned Parenthood has supported Walz as VP already:

Trump: in keeping with the Supreme Court decision to reverse Roe v. Wade he now says:

“The states will determine by vote or legislation or perhaps both. And whatever they decide must be the law of the land,” Trump said of abortion rights. “Now, it’s up to the states to do the right thing.”

He appointed conservative SCOTUS justices which tipped the scale for the Roe reversal.

(Remember that every conservative political candidate has to walk a media tight-rope on abortion as opponents are smeared and vilified.)

Vance: opposes abortion and supports a federal ban on abortions after 15 weeks.

For more information on his positions please read the July CA article below:

(click on image to link to article)

Other issues:
The Mayor of Minneapolis Jacob Frey claims — & backed up with copies of texts — that he begged Governor Walz to bring in the National Guard when his city was burning. It appears that request was made on the 28# May 2020. (The Guard were later deployed on the 30#.)

(Minneapolis burning during George Floyd riots.)

(click on image to link to X where you can see the video)

Walz also supports the mutilation of children suffering from gender dysphoria.

Please forgive the meme below — it just seemed to be the appropriate ending!


Thinking on the state of the world today, I am reminded of the speech by President Andrew Shepherd [ Michael Douglas] in American President when he says:

“We have serious problems to solve, and we need serious people to solve them.”

Kevin Hay
You can follow Kevin on 𝕏 ( Twitter / Twi𝕏 ) @ kevinhay77