“First step in solving any problem
…is recognizing there is one.” *
‘Open war is upon us, whether we would risk it or not.’
Apologies to LOTR** purists for this misquotation of Aragorn advising King Théoden. He was explaining that whether you declare war or not, the enemy is still coming to kill you.
Christianity is at war.
Please recognize the scope of the physical violence against Catholics/Christians.
Look to countries like Burkina Faso and Nigeria where tens of thousands have been slaughtered. The Vatican has documented 50,000+ Christians have been murdered by extremists in Nigeria. This level of violence is creeping into the developed countries because the extremists are now emboldened as they have gotten away with arson, rape, vandalism, etc.
Islamic murders in Burkina Faso
Boko Haram murders in Nigeria
ISIS murders in Germany
Violence has even come to Ireland—Fr. Paul Murphy was seriously injured after an attempted murder as he entered Galway Barracks.
Fr. Paul Murphy
Maybe worse, were the rape gangs in the UK because authorities turned a blind eye to the crimes—for years. In Rotherham alone: “…former senior social worker Alexis Jay revealed that an estimated 1,400 children had been sexually abused in the town from 1997 to 2013, predominantly by Pakistani-British men. It revealed that council staff and others knew of the abuse but turned a blind eye to what was happening and refused to identify the perpetrators in part for fear of being branded racist.”
This is a catastrophe.
Click on the image to link to X and hear Gemma’s nightmare experience.
So far, one of the prevalent attacks in developed countries is the arson of churches and cathedrals. (Note: not all the fires below have been confirmed by the ‘authorities’ to be arson: clearly the large numbers speaks against most being “accidental” or “caused by an electrical fault.”)
Immaculate Conception Church, Saint-Omer [Image: Misa Tradicional Sevilla]
Antrim, Ireland
Georgia, USA
In addition to the murders, 18,000 churches and 2,200 Christian schools in Nigeria have been set ablaze.
Queens, NYC, USA
Sadly, one of the best examples of a conquered country is La Belle France.
During the disgusting re-enactment of the Last Supper at the Olympic Opening Ceremony, a man stood beside a young girl with his testicle exposed. La Belle Groomeur?
Secularization is when we surrender our value systems, our history and our identity.
This allows schools, colleges, university and businesses to be captured by alternative belief systems such as Climate Change: Identity Politics; “Reproductive Rights” a.k.a. abortion or la clause célèbre du jour (the flavour of the day.)
et tu Brutus?
Globalist Macron, wants to ‘modernize’ the stained glass windows in the renovated Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris. Saint Jeanne d'Arc must be spinning in her grave.
(Why does a politician get to choose anyway?)
Secularization is happening most everywhere—except in stalwart countries like Poland and Hungary. [And they are being penalized by the EU for their stance.]
The once famous New York Times has declared that the values which America was founded upon, are now Un-American! “In God We Trust No More.”
The Holy Father supports unfettered migration and Globalization. As a good Christian, he perceives every migrant is coming “in good faith.” Sadly, that is simply not true.
The majority of migrants are single young males. Some come for a better life or simply an adventure, but others hate the Christian West and want to see it burn.
There are allegations that countries like Venezuela have cleared their prisons and mental hospitals to sent their “problems” to America. What a genius move for a country which hates America!
Cartels send drug-pushers, human-traffickers and other criminals across the US border to expand their ‘territory.’
Unfriendly countries like Iran & China are likely sending sleeper-agents, while terrorist organizations like Hamas & ISIS send their brand of martyr.
Germany has just awoken to the damage caused by open borders and has moved to limit migration.
Recognition and acknowledgement of the problem is a start…everything else is above my pay grade!
There is HOPE!
The Church has survived devastating times and will survive many more.
There is a cute anecdote about Napoleon Bonaparte taunting a cardinal: “Your Eminence, are you not aware that I have the power to destroy the Catholic Church?” To which the cardinal quipped: “Your Majesty, we Catholic clergy have done our best to destroy the Church for the last eighteen hundred years. We have not succeeded, and neither will you!”
During the Penal times, Catholic priests in Ireland used “Mass Rocks” in remote areas to celebrate Mass in secret. It took many years of patient devotion, but Catholicism survived.
Some Catholic extremists will call for a modern “Crusade”…but Jesus might have a surprise for both sides—CONVERSION TO CHRISTIANITY!
Look at what is happening in Iran:
The report claims that 50,000 of the country's 75,000 mosques have closed. (For a link to original article please click: HERE!) This level of conversion in a hard-line country like Iran is stunning. Apostasy in some Islamic countries is punishable by death under Sharia Law.
We must protect ourselves from violent attack and oppose extremism at all levels.
That said, we are called to be good neighbours to moderate people of every race and religion.
We must pray hard for the assistance of St. Michael the Archangel, the Blessed Virgin Mary and Our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ. Everyone will face ‘doubts, confrontation and dilemma’s’…but Jesus asks for just one thing!
If you are uncertain about that ONE thing, listen to the delightful—short—video below!
“Believe in Me!”
Kevin Hay
You can follow Kevin on 𝕏 / Twitter @ kevinhay77
* The quotation: “First step in solving any problem, is recognizing there is one” is from ‘Will McAvoy’ in The Newsroom, as played by Jeff Daniels.
**Lord of the Rings