Terrorist DECAPITATES French Church Statues

A Muslim terrorist has ransacked a church in Angers in France, decapitating statues in the process.

Named by French media outlets as ‘Brahim B’, the Muslim is aged 40 and known to local police.

The local parish priest was quoted by French media as saying:

What is striking is to see that the statues have been beheaded. But we imagine the violence that must have been behind it and we would like to know that it was the motivation of such a person to make such a step by entering a church, in a place of worship. For us, it's not just stones, they're symbols of our faith

DNA was used to catch the perpetrator, with 12 statues beheaded, metal crosses broken and a stained glass window smashed.

The shocking violence is not unusual in France, where Catholics have been beheaded at Mass and churches have been destroyed by arson in recent years.