Church Begins Same Sex Blessings

When news broke in 2020 that Pope Francis had ‘endorsed’ civil unions for same sex couples, it was Catholic Arena who first broke news that this was not quite the case.

To much criticism, we rightly pointed out that the clip of him apparently saying so had been edited.

In 2023, those defending the Vatican’s document on Same Sex Blessings are doing so on the basis that it will not lead to blessings for same sex relationships, or polygamists or bigamists or others.

As we see today, this is not a hope based in reality.

In a non spontaneous event, Fr. James Martin SJ offered the ritual to two Americans, blessing their same sex relationship, in a premeditated event that was promoted in the New York Times.

A thread on X reveals the nature of the stunt, which appears designed to reward and publicise seasoned campaigners rather than ‘recognise themselves to be destitute and in need of His help’ as the Vatican document stated.