Sinn Fein Politician Compares Himself to Jesus Christ

After a recent dip in the polls, Sinn Fein have employed two strategies to renew their ailing fortunes.

One is being carried out by leader Mary Lou McDonald, who is changing the party’s policy on immigration, claiming that she does not now support open borders.

The other, is (in true Sinn Fein style) the complete opposite. Martin Kenny is claiming that he is drawing comparisons to Jesus Christ for his steadfast support for open borders.

Kenny was heavily criticised by locals this past week after rowing in behind local gombeens in Donegal.

Rather than analyse his behaviour and ask why the public, whom he is supposed to serve, were so upset with him, Kenny instead has pursued a path of Messianic delusion.

In a fanciful recollection of the meeting at which he had been criticised, Kenny spoke of how he was acting In Persona Christi and he offered that an unnamed ‘religious woman’ had a private revelation where she saw his ordeal to have migrants placed in Ballyshannon as akin to the trial of Jesus under Pontius Pilate.

He told The Journal:

These people that are peddling that agenda and are angry about these things are trying to fire up hate and fear and anger in everybody and it doesn’t matter if Jesus Christ re-arose and went there to talk to them, they would treat him the same

A woman rang me to say how sorry she was, quite a religious woman, and she said ‘I was thinking of Pontius Pilate when I was at the meeting and if somebody at the back of the room had of started a chant ‘crucify them, crucify them’ they’d all have joined in

The controversy in Ballyshannon has arisen as part of a wider issue, where big businessman seek to have migrants placed in derelict hotels so that they can earn absurd amounts of money, in a culture known as ‘gombeenism’.

One politician has this week compared these individuals to ‘drug cartels’.