Bloody Sunday and Abortion

By Thomas Hegarty

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Derry’s Bloody Sunday was a brutal attack on Catholics marching for their Civil Rights by the British Army Paratroop regiment. It is said that the paratroopers launched their attack on the Catholic civil rights marchers from the nearby Gwyn’s Institution, originally an orphanage and later a public library in Derry City. The library was later razed to the ground after Bloody Sunday by angry Derry locals.

14 innocent Catholics were murdered in the paratrooper attack on unarmed civilians in what was later described as the greatest recruitment drive for the IRA.

Many more Catholics were badly injured on Bloody Sunday. The injured couldn’t go to Derry’s main hospital, Altnagelvin, for fear they would be arrested by the Paratroopers who were waiting at the accident and emergency rooms to arrest them. Instead, most of the injured were treated in makeshift field hospitals in Derry and across the border in Donegal.

The days that followed were difficult for Catholics in Derry. A silence and a fear descended on the City as they mourned, waked and buried their dead.

This weekend, Irish Political parties were out in full force, rightly condemning the Bloody Sunday murders.

This weekend also, the Irish Abortion Clock recorded a death toll of 20,424 unborn children since Repeal of the Right To Life.

However, the very same political parties that condemn the murders of 14 innocent civilians 50 years ago actively support the abortion of tens of thousands of unborn Irish children. These politicians are unwilling to acknowledge their hypocrisy for fear they might not be popular with their pro-choice, liberal voters.

There are no politicians queuing up this weekend to give soundbites to the media about Ireland’s aborted boys and girls. Our Irish politicians look back in horror and anger at Bloody Sunday but choose not to look at abortion with the same sense of horror or anger.

Every day, seven days a week, the Republic of Ireland aborts 18 unborn children in maternity hospitals and GP clinics around the country.

There is no outcry, in fact, our politicians encourage abortion and incentivise abortion GPs for each abortion they commit.

Every day, Ireland kills more human beings than were killed on Bloody Sunday.
Like Gwyn’s Institution in Brooke Park whose ruins have been bulldozed into the ground and out of sight as if it never existed, our 20,424 aborted Irish children are out of sight and out of mind, as if they never existed.

For our Irish aborted unborn, every day is a Bloody Sunday.

Our thoughts and prayers are with those 14 innocent Catholics who lost their lives at the hands of the Paratroop regiment 50 years ago.

Our thoughts and prayers are also with the 20,424 unborn boys and girls who lost their lives to weak politicians promoting and encouraging abortion in Ireland today.