Fianna Fail Candidate Called Prolife Colleagues 'Anti Choice' #dbs21

In 2020, Fianna Fail’s current candidate for the Dublin South Bay bye election, claimed that her prolife colleagues were ‘anti choice’.

In response to criticism from others in the pro abortion lobby, Deirdre Conroy disowned her prolife colleagues with the following tweet.

She had faced criticism for her association with a party that was once partial to prolife voters but is now radically pro abortion, even voting to make sure that babies born alive in abortions would be denied pain relief and left to die on tables.

Pro abortion advocacy group Rathdown Together had called for people to vote for Conroy but faced criticism as a result:

The sad thing is that many in Fianna Fail will canvass for Conroy despite her obvious low opinion of their views.

We revealed yesterday that she had even referred to prolife Senator Ronan Mullen as a ‘terrorist’ because of his prolife stance.