The push for Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide is a phenomenon which seems limited to developed nations — some might call it an anomaly.
Autonomy / self-determination is the main argument for the legalization of Voluntary Euthanasia [VE] and Assisted Suicide [AS]. In Oregon, ‘losing autonomy’ is the prime reason cited for requesting AS. (Cumulative figures for 1998-2019 in the far-right column = 90.2%.)
The First Annual Report on Medical Assistance in Dying in Canada, 2019 must use different definitions or data points because “autonomy” is tabulated with “loss of control” and “independence” and is listed at a mere 4.1%. The most common reason given by Canadians is “loss of ability to engage in meaningful life activities” at 82.1%.
Dr. Kevin Yuill, from the University of Sunderland (UK) wrote an excellent article: “Why we mustn’t legalise Assisted Dying” published May 7th in Spiked Online. His poignant comments on autonomy deserve further exploration. *
“Rather than self-determination – which would imply suicide – people want to be killed. If it was about autonomy, we would expect, in areas where assisted suicide and euthanasia were both legal, for assisted suicide to dominate. But it is the opposite. Only 3.5 per cent of Dutch assisted deaths are assisted suicide. In Canada, only 7 of 5,361 assisted deaths were self-administered. People wish to be killed rather than take on the moral burden of killing themselves. They want the doctor’s blessing. They are outsourcing huge moral decisions.”
Dr. Yuill’s observation is that when people have a choice between Assisted Suicide (‘Take this poison and you will die’) and Voluntary Euthanasia (‘I will kill you with this injection of toxic medication’) they strongly gravitate towards Euthanasia. He contends that if a person truly wanted self-determination, they would choose Assisted Suicide over Euthanasia. People clearly prefer the deed to be performed by a third party — a doctor or Nurse Practitioner, etc.
Euthanasia is faster (intravenous v. oral), very effective, ‘cleaner’ (because governments legislate doctors and nurses to provide the ‘service’) and is unlikely to have a complication which cannot be handled immediately. Providers are probably encouraging the use of the IV option. From a recipient point of view, Euthanasia takes away the psychological hurdle of “committing suicide.”
It seems reasonable to compare Oregon (USA) to Alberta (Canada) because they have similar populations & demographics. Oregon only provides Assisted Suicide whereas Canada provides both Assisted Suicide & Euthanasia, without any legislative emphasis on either route.
Oregon provides regular, well-tabulated reports on their Assisted Suicide Program (euphemistically termed “Death with Dignity.”) The last was published in 2019. At that time, the population of Oregon was 4.2 million people, yet less than 300 people received a fatal prescription. So far there has only been one Annual Report on Medical Assistance in Dying in Canada which is also for 2019. (Unfortunately the Canadian data is presented quite poorly in comparison to the report from Oregon.)
In 2016, the overall demographics of Oregonians included: “…76% identified as white, 13% Latina(o), 5% Asian and Pacific Islander, 2% African American, 1% American Indian and Alaska Native, and 3% two or more races.”
Quick correlation with the Dying with Dignity report shows that that the demand for Assisted Suicide in Oregon comes primarily from Whites / Caucasians. (There is another deficiency in the Canadian reporting because AS/VE is not separated by race.) Demographics in Alberta show very few Latina(o), a higher percentage of Asians with 4.4% Filipino & 4.4% South Asian and 5% First Nations & 2.9% Métis.
One can guess at some of the causes for Caucasian’s affinity to AS/VE. Profound individualism; a lack of an extended family network; attacks on the nuclear family; health-care costs; diminished belief in an after-life; diminished belief in our Right to Life (shown by the tolerance for late-term abortion & infanticide.) Then there is the routine portrayal of recipients as being “brave” which may induce suicide contagion: the Werther Syndrome.
To this we must add the ‘religion’ of the new World Order — Climate Crisis! — which tells us that we must atone for our ‘original sin’ of infesting this world through the ‘penance’ of curtailing — or eliminating — humanity. **
Dr. Yuill also noted:
“…rather than extending autonomy, legalisation of assisted dying grants the doctor the final decision. Andrew Copson, chief executive of Humanists UK, identifies freedom as the basis of the campaign: ‘The ability to choose how, where and when we die is a fundamental freedom, which cuts across party political and ideological lines...’
Copson’s statement: “The ability to choose how, where and when we die is a fundamental freedom” sounds reasonable — till we look at the exact meaning of his words. Copson ingeniously says “Fundamental freedom.” This implies that it holds the same moral value as a Human Right. Yes, everyone has the freedom to kill themselves — that is a part of free will. Human beings are free to choose things which are legally / ethically / socially / morally right or wrong — but that does not validate the end choice. (In simplistic terms, I can commit murder, though I am not allowed to do so legally.)
The Supreme Court of Canada made a similar misinterpretation between our Freedoms and Rights. Now certain Canadians have the legal ‘right’ to kill themselves. Things are advancing so fast that if we keep on our current trajectory, Canada will have the disaster of Suicide-on-Demand, for all, in the near future.
The Autonomy to choose AS/VE will bring enormous damage to society, much of which is yet to be enumerated. This includes psychological damage to family members, especially the children. (I expect there will be many more second-generation AS/VE/MAiD requests.) Then there is the damage to friends, community, cultural norms and societal values. (Discussed in more detail in my article “Putting the Euthanasia Genie Back in the Bottle.”)
Damage which has been shown clearly is the vast increase in regular suicides in many of the countries which have legalized Assisted Suicide / Voluntary Euthanasia. Over the past 20 years the suicide rate in the Netherlands has increased by ~30% (excluding AS/VE.) Also “the suicide rates in the Netherlands are the fastest growing when compared to surrounding European countries, most of which lack the option of euthanasia.”
In Oregon:
“It must not be dismissed as mere coincidence that the new rise in suicides correlates to the implementation of the first physician-assisted suicide law in Oregon. A 2012 report on suicide trends and risk factors for the Oregon Health Authority found the state's overall suicide rate had risen 41 percent higher than the national rate (Associated Press 2013). This is the “regular” suicide rate. Physician-assisted suicides are not included. []
Curiously, Canadian suicide rates 2016-2019 have not changed, though AS/VE is only legal for the past 5 years.
Such increases in suicide are a poor trade for the small increase in personal autonomy which allows some to choose the time, place and manner of their death. Of course, Canada has the perfect solution to this dilemma: in 2023 doctors & Nurse Practitioners will be allowed to kill people suffering from mental illnesses alone.
Aurelia Brouwers by Ronald Hissink/De Stentor
Eventually, some depressed young Canadian — with their life ahead of them — will be euthanized, legally. Of course, people will shout: “this can never happen!” Sadly, it can and it has. Please read the tragic story of 29-year-old Aurelia Brouwers from the Netherlands who was given Assisted Suicide on account of her psychiatric illness.
Dr. Kevin Hay.
Kevin is a UCD grad and a Family Doctor in rural Alberta, Canada. You can follow him on Twitter @kevinhay77.
Please read more about Euthanasia in Catholic Arena, including: “Hard Cases make Bad Law” & “DOCTORS IN IRELAND — BEWARE! A warning about Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide.”
** Ed: An early reference to Original Sin and Climate Change is found in the Wall Street Journal in 2005. The Theology of Global Warming - WSJ More recently, the likes of National Catholic Reporter have adopted the entertained the same idea. On climate change, we must put the apple down | Earthbeat | National Catholic Reporter (
* Readers can find another article by Dr. Yuill in Science Direct on-line: “The unfreedom of assisted suicide: How the right to die undermines autonomy” (pay-walled) or buy his book “Assisted Suicide: The Liberal, Humanist Case Against Legalization.”