More Arson Attacks on French Catholics

Imagine, if you will, that you were hearing of weekly arson attacks on Mosques in Paris.

People were spraying graffiti threatening to kill Muslims, setting fire to their buildings and desecrating them.

This would be a worldwide scandal on the runup to the Olympics in the city, people would be threatening to boycott the even, people would be assured that their safety was paramount.

Yet this is what is happening, only to Catholics, and there is no outrage or backlash.

In the past week alone we have seen more unacceptable targeting of Catholics by vandals, thugs, terrorists, whatever you wish to call them.


In Brittany, Notre-Dame-de-Délivrance was set on fire by an arsonist with a passerby luckily catching it on time and calling for help before it burned to the ground.


A pro family organisation had their offices ransacked with graffiti calling them Nazis and threatening to kill them, with graffiti also proclaiming that ‘Anti France’ will win.


There was also the recent attack on a town Cross by a radical Muslim who pulled the Cross away with his van.

With France now facing into election season, the safety and preservation of Catholics and their churches must become an issue.