Last week, Father Fidelis Mocinski CFR went viral after images emerged showing US Police dragging him away from an abortion clinic where he had been counselling. The images of Father Fidelis showed him handcuffed as the police carried him away from the building.
Now, powerful images have once again emerged of Father Fidelis.
This time, he was intimidated and hassled by extremist pro aborts, emboldened by President Joe Biden’s failure to act after a storming of a Catholic Church some months ago. The anti baby activists showed up to St. Paul’s Church in Brooklyn on the morning of Saturday the 12th of June and brutally began screaming anti Catholic slogans to coincide with the beginning of Mass. The vicious anti Catholic chanting continued during Mass and when the faithful emerged from the church, the pro aborts rounded upon them and began to spew their vile venom into their faces.
Why were they so angry?
Father Fidelis and others were due to pray outside an abortion clinic after Mass.
When Father stepped out to lead his flock, the pro aborts shoved signs into his face. They walked up to him and blew smoke right into his eyes.
Biden's America
— Catholic Arena (@CatholicArena) June 14, 2021
Pro aborts shove signs and blow smoke into the face of Father Fidelis Mocinski CFR after they assembled at his church in Brooklyn to intimidate Catholics during Mass
Eventually, the prayers outside the clinic did go ahead.
The United States is fast becoming a very cold place for Catholics, with the first nominally Catholic president in half a century failing to comment on the matter. If the bishops who are trying to debate his worthiness to receive Communion want to make a case, they should start with his inaction on scenes that should cause disgust around the world.
Surely, most law-abiding citizens support the removal of public-safety threats & criminals?
It is additionally offensive that Biden did this on his last full day in office
Abroad is unclear, but PP provides over 300,000 abortions in the USA
The new administration will reduce the 1 MILLION deaths p.a. by abortion!
Kevin Hay reviews the Pope’s Exorcist. An action movie, with a horror-splatter twist.