Gaza Priests and Nuns Are 'Doing Well' - Fr. Romanelli IVE

The following words come from Father Gabriel Romanelli IVE, parish priest at Holy Family Gaza, who is currently in Bethlehem.

He speaks of the dire situation endured by Christians and others there and speaks of the dire situation facing the sisters who care to the sick and disabled in the region.

Please say a rosary for Father Gabriel and for his brother priest Iusu and Sisters Pilar and Socorra in Gaza.

These are his words, from today:

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ

Our people in Gaza are doing well.

Let us pray for them. For Father Iusuf and for our Sisters Pilar and Socorro, who in such difficult times are carrying everything with great generosity, dedication, spirit of sacrifice and charity.

The situation is still very bad. May God make heard the prayers and the cry of the Holy Father, of our Patriarch of Jerusalem and of so many men and women of good will who pray to God for PEACE. And may the necessary cessation of all hostility and injustice be achieved on all sides.

In Gaza there are already more than 1000 dead, 60% of whom are women and children. And more than 5000 wounded. More than 200 Gazan children have been killed in the bombings.

The figures are chilling. In addition to the 1200 dead in Israel and more than 2500 wounded in Saturday's attacks.

Mercy, Lord, mercy!

The Christian community in Gaza is doing well. Refugee in great part "at Jesus' place", as they say, in our Parish belonging to the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem.

Several of them have lost their homes and many others have been damaged by the bombing.

All our religious men and women of the IVE in the Region are well.

Acts of the Apostles 8:26-27:

"An angel of the Lord appeared to Philip and said to him, "Go south on the road leading down from Jerusalem to Gaza; no one is passing by at this time" Philip got up and set out."

How I wish I could just now return to my mission in Gaza and be with our little flock there!

I continue to thank, and apologize, for the hundreds and hundreds (sic) of messages and calls, offers of prayers and closeness, requests for interviews or calls of friendship. I continue from here to work as much as I can to get the goods we need there to assist our hundreds of refugees. And doing what I can to the best of my ability.

But unfortunately I am unable to respond to most of these messages.

I am also grateful for the Charity of my Brothers in the Incarnate Word in Bethlehem and to the Servants of the Lord and the Virgin of Matara, who in such difficult times show their great Charity and spirit of service by taking care of 37 children with special needs next to the Grotto of Bethlehem and imploring Heaven's Forgiveness and Mercy.

And welcoming me into their home.

Yesterday, the Holy Father called the Parish of Gaza showing his closeness and concern and giving everyone his blessing. 

In the midst of so many deserted roads... without water (sic)... the presence of Peter comforts. May God also hear his prayer for Peace.

Peace for Israel and Peace for Palestine 

P. Gabriel Romanelli, IVE 

Pastor of Gaza