Jewish Extremist Sets Fire to Catholic Church in Jerusalem

The Church of All Nations lies at the Mount of Olives, in close proximity to the Garden of Gethsemene in Jerusalem. It is where Our Lord prayed before His Crucifixion. The church is entrusted to the care of the Franciscan Order and regularly visited by Christians of all denominations.

As Advent begins, a Jewish extremist has decided to carry out an attack on the church. The Israeli citizen poured flammable liquid over parts of the church and set them on fire. A pew was badly damaged but the anti Christian criminal was caught before it could destroy the entire church.

Francesco Patton, the Catholic custodian of the Holy Land, has demanded and investigation and has called it a ‘terrible, humiliating and intentional act’.

In 2015, Jewish extremists also set fire to the Church of the Multiplication of Loaves at the Sea of Galilee.

The Jewish extremist who set fire to that 5th Century church wrote in Hebrew that ‘Idols will be cast out or destroyed’.

The attack also follows last year’s Christmas declaration that Christians would not be allowed to travel to Bethlehem and Jerusalem from Gaza for Christmas.

Western media outlets are so far refusing to carry this story.