In a shocking video uploaded to Youtube today, Drew Harris’s Gardai can be seen STORMING a Catholic Church during a Latin Mass in Athlone.
The footage emerges as the government plans to allow groups of 15 to meetup to play the bongos from Monday, but not a single person can legally attend Mass.
Similarly, outdoor confession is not permitted even as a new initiative called ‘Have a chat with a Garda on a Public Bench’ is launched.
You can see the shocking video below.
Surely, most law-abiding citizens support the removal of public-safety threats & criminals?
It is additionally offensive that Biden did this on his last full day in office
Abroad is unclear, but PP provides over 300,000 abortions in the USA
The new administration will reduce the 1 MILLION deaths p.a. by abortion!
Kevin Hay reviews the Pope’s Exorcist. An action movie, with a horror-splatter twist.