German Cardinal Calls for Ban on Right Wingers in Church

In a stunning rebuke to Pope Francis’s message of ‘Todos, Todos, Todos’, German Cardinal Reihnard Marx has called for the exclusion of members of the anti Globalist AfD party in Germany.

The remarkable pro Globalist interference in German politics is a worrying development, not just because of the freefalling attendance in the German church but also because of the precedent that it sets.

Marx told a meeting of bishops:

“A clear line must be drawn against right-wing extremists. The bishops also made it clear that it is unacceptable for Christians to vote for parties that spread nationalist, racist, or anti-Semitic opinions, or tolerate them in their ranks. The bishops cannot see how anyone with such views could take on responsibility in the Church.” 

“They are concerned about democracy, as there are parties that use the free constitutional order to ultimately abolish it. The Alternative for Germany must be counted among these parties.” 

This seems a bizarre reaction compared to that of the Christian Democratic Union, which forced a brutal bank bailout onto Irish families and which unleashed terror waves across Europe by operating one of the most suicidal open borders policies ever seen in the West.

By the same logic, can entire parties be kicked out of church leadership because of support for abortion, high taxes and other non Catholic policies?

It is very depressing to see the church married to state power in this fashion.