Latin Mass Suppressed in Melbourne

Another light has gone out on the Latin Mass, this time in Melbourne.

The Australian city’s cathedral was home to vibrant and well attended Traditional Latin Mass, but that will be no more after the final Mass took place today, Wednesday the 19th of June.

A large crowd of mostly young people gathered for the final Mass.

The archbishop had written to the Dicastery for Divine Worship to seek a continuation of this Mass but was not granted permission.

Your Excellency, The Dicastery received your letter of 27 June 2023 in which you inform us about the steps which have been taken in your diocese to implement the Motu proprio Traditionis custodes.

You were also able to furnish us with further details during the course of your visit to our offices on 24 January for which we are appreciative. It is obvious that you have sought to ensure that the direction established by the Holy Father for the Universal Church is observed by the local Church in Melbourne. You have requested that a number of dispensations from art. 3 § 2 of the Motu proprio be granted so that Mass according to the 1962 Missale Romanum can continue to be celebrated in the parish churches of Saint Michael in North Melbourne and of Saint Philip in Blackburn North, as well as in the Cathedral Church of Saint Melbourne. Patrick SU in East Melbourne. After a careful study of the pastoral reasons Your Excellency has presented we now send you the decree by which the dispensation is granted to the parish churches of Saint Michael and Saint Philip for a period of two years.

If, after this period of time, you wish to renew the permission then you will need to send us a further relatio along with your request. This relatio should contain details of the number of participants at these Masses and it should also recount the steps which have been taken to lead the faithful who are attached to the antecedent liturgy towards the celebration of the liturgy according to the liturgical books reformed by decree of the Second Vatican Council, and which form the unique expression of the lex orandi of the Roman Rite. The Holy Father’s Apostolic Letter Desiderio desideravi on the Liturgical Formation of the People of God should prove to be of great assistance in this task, indeed we were heartened to hear during the course of your visit that you have already had a seminar for your clergy on this important document. While we recognise that Mass according to the Missale Romanum of 1962 has been celebrated in the Cathedral Church for some time, we are, nonetheless, constrained to deny this request. It is now opportune that the direction established by the Holy Father be followed with care in this particular case. We simply recall to Your Excellency everything that is stated in nn. 42-54 of the Caeremoniale episcoporum about the importance of the Cathedral Church, as well as in nn. 119ff about the Stational Mass of the Diocesan Bishop. This is described as «the preeminent manifestation of the local Church […] when the Bishop, as high priest of his flock, celebrates the Eucharist and particularly when he celebrates in the Cathedral, surrounded by his college of presbyters and by his ministers, and with the full, active participation of all God’s holy people». Therefore, it does not seem appropriate for the antecedent liturgy to be celebrated in the place that should serve as an example for the liturgical life of the entire diocese. The Cathedral is the first place where the celebration of the liturgy must use the current liturgical books, which form the unique expression of the lex orandi of the Roman Rite. One possible solution for the faithful who attend this Mass at the Cathedral Church, and a further step in travelling on the path indicated by the Holy Father, would be for Mass to be celebrated for them, in Latin, according to the Missale Romanum editio typica tertia (2008) at the same altar where Mass according to the 1962 Missale Romanum is currently celebrated. This would be a concrete sign of a desire on their part to fully embrace the unique lex orandi of the Roman Rite and an opportunity for you as chief liturgist of the diocese, along with the parish clergy, to ensure a thorough going catechesis and formation on the spiritual depth and richness of the renewed Missal. If such a suggestion does not prove amenable to this group, and if there are no other non-parish churches that would be a suitable location to accommodate this Mass, then, upon your request we can authorise the use of another parish church in the city of Melbourne that can serve as a place for the celebration of Mass according to the Missale Romanum of 1962. We are grateful to Your Excellency for the steps you are taking to ensure the correct application of the Motu proprio, and we acknowledge the challenges entailed in this task. However, in his letter to the Bishops of the whole world upon the publication of Traditionis custodes the Holy Father, in exercising his ministry in the service of unity by suspending the faculty granted by his predecessors, asked each Bishop to share with him «this burden as a form of participation in the solicitude for the whole Church proper to the Bishops». We assure you that we are at your disposal should you have any other requests in this regard.

With every good wish and kind regard, I am, Fraternally yours in Christ, Vittorio Francesco Viola