Boston Celtics Win NBA Final After Coach Prays Rosary

Modern sports have become so commercialised that it is easy to forget the deep personal battles that take place in order to compete at the highest levels.

We might be accustomed to soccer players such as Lionel Messi or Cristiano Ronaldo talking about their Catholic faith, being as they are from Catholic countries.

An interesting phenomenon in recent years has been the prominence of faith in the lives of successful US athletes.

First there was Harrison Butker, the NFL kicker who won the Super Bowl twice while proclaiming his love for the Traditional Latin Mass.

Now we have had the coach of the Boston Celtics, Joe Mazulla proclaming his Catholic faith.

He spoke of how he prays the Rosary around the court before games.

Congratulations to Mazulla and to the Boston Celtics!

He also wore a shirt after the game that read ‘But first let me thank God’.