Nicaraguan Thugs Continue Oppression against Catholics

Nicaraguan thug Daniel Ortega has long persecuted the Catholic faith, but the past number of years have seen an explosive escalation.

Radio stations belonging to churches have been seized and shut down, bishops have been imprisoned and now, even Catholic schools are being taken.

The actions of Ortega closely mirror the rhetoric of prominent members of Irish political parties such as Labour and Social Democrats, who have discussed banning Catholic sacraments, shutting down Catholics schools and some leaders have even been reduced to babbling ‘Get them out’ to adoring far leftists at rallies.

On May 30th, the Technical Institute in San Sebastián de Yalí was raided by regime forces, who expelled the nuns in charge of the school. A week previously, Dominican Sisters of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin and shut down their Susana López Carazo school in Rivas. Ortega then announced the expulsion of some of the sisters from Nicaragua.

The nature of the expulsion was particularly cruel, they were given 72 hours to leave the country, in a deliberately nasty act of intimidation and humiliation.

Missionaries of Charity, Mother Theresa’s sisters, even found themselves escorted to the border to leave on foot.

Contact your local politicians and urge them to speak out against this injustice, even former Ortega ally Michael D Higgins has been moved to speak out about the issue.