Pakistani Muslims Tear off Cross then set Church on Fire

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Only days after images emerged of Indians gang raping Christian girls and parading them naked through the streets, we now have repulsive images from neighbouring Pakistan.

Citing alleged ‘blasphemy’ against the Koran, Muslims attacked Christians in the Punjab region, tore the cross from their church then set it on fire.

The attacks occurred in the city of Faisalabad in the Punjab region.

A Christian man had allegedly said something negative about the Koran, leading the Muslims to destroy his house and other houses in the process, attacking Christian families as they went along.

The lack of condemnation of these attacks just show how insular and blinded Western society is becoming.

While the burning of a Koran in Sweden was universally condemned by Western leaders, attacks on real believers in India and Pakistan are not. Even the gang raping of Christian girls and the parading of them in front of cameras is not condemned.

In Ireland, one of Europe’s most insular countries which cannot fathom a church outside of their own parochial liberal experiences, the flag of Pakistan was raised yesterday by Cork City Council while the they raised the Indian flag the day before.

This is the same Cork City Council that opened up a digital book of condolences for George Floyd.