Cardinal Pell Discusses How He Was Framed

The developed world’s most corrupt and incompetent justice system, Victoria State, played a major role in framing Cardinal George Pell. But even bigger than the role played by them, and ‘journalist’ Louise Milligan, was the role played by those in the Vatican who wanted the Australian behind bars for opposing money laundering and embezzlement.

Speaking of those who had been targeted for trying to clean up the Vatican, Pell said,

‘Every single one, with very few exceptions, has been publicly attacked in one way or another. Let’s not forget what happened to [Roberto] Calvi who committed suicide’.

"Everyone believes there is a connection [between the corruption probe] and what happened in Australia, everyone I work with has no doubt either’’.

"We have criminals who have been heard to say ‘Pell is out of the game now and we’ve got a clear highway ahead now’.

"It’s for this reason that I hope that there will never be enough evidence to prove that Vatican money was used if not to corrupt directly, at least to poison the public atmosphere against me. I hope there is no proof of this for the good of the church.

"We have some evidence but no proof yet but certainly there is a lot of smoke."

After a substantial with hunt led by fake news ‘journalist’ Louise Milligan, Pell was wrongly convicted for sexual assault last year, a decision which stunned the world, with a kangaroo court reminiscent of third world dictatorships, about which Pell has said ‘I could understand that public opinion was against me while I could not understand why two expert judges could reach those conclusions."

At the time, we condemned the bizarre nature of the conviction. The heavily Masonic Australian media regularly ran headlines such as ‘convicted child sex abuser Pell’ and ‘paedophile Pell’ in order to gaslight people into thinking that a crime had taken place followed by a fair trial, when in fact neither had taken place.

In order to protect themselves, the corrupt Victoria police refused to investigate large sums of money which were transferred from the Vatican to Australia at the time of the court case. Apparently, this is not noteworthy enough for Victoria police to investigate.

Around the same period, Cardinal Becciu was implicated in a financial scandal wherein he eventually had to submit his resignation, after a €225 million purchase of luxury apartments in London was mired in murky details.

There are many many layers to this story, with many aspects that will require further study. But as a pointer towards what is going on, read this story regarding Victoria Police selling face masks with the Freemasonic logo on them. Pope Leo XIII repeatedly warned us about Freemasonry for good reason, it is the most cancerous ideology in the world today and right now, it has many allies, especially in Victoria State, where growing influence from the Chinese Communist Party and anti Western media outlets like ABC news all conspire to create a perfect storm where people like Cardinal Pell end up being the innocent victims.