IDIOTS! Victoria State Bans Words 'Husband' 'Wife'

Victoria State has hit the headlines for all the wrong reasons in 2020, whether in their framing of Cardinal George Pell through their corrupt police force and incompetent judiciary or allowing said Mason infested police to brutally enforce Chinese like imposition of harsh aggression on ordinary citizens, choking and beating them.

Those all pale into comparison next to the stunning idiocy that has motivated Daniel Andrew’s state into BANNING public servants from using words such as ‘Mr.’ ‘Sir’ ‘Madam’ and even ‘Husband’ and ‘Wife’.

They were told:

Avoid using language such as “‘wife’ or ‘husband’ that assumes all relationships are heterosexual, as this excludes non-heterosexual people and devalues their relationships

This is an insult towards common sense, normality and human nature.

With news of Chinese infiltration deep into Australian politics and culture, Australia needs to start asking serious questions about who is pushing for such serious disfigurements of normal society. This might seem like a humorous situation, but soon enough people will face prison for using these terms if the current trajectory continues.

We cannot keep allowing lunatics to run the asylum.