Polish Archbishop Warns Pope of German Synod Threat

The first phase of the Synod may have come to an end recently in Rome, but the debate is only beginning.

Archbishop Stanislaw Gadecki of Poznan, Poland has written a 1,000 word letter to Pope Francis.

The letter warns him of the overbearing negative influence of the German Synodal Way.

Speaking of the document Instrumentum Laboris,” he wrote of his concern at how “discernments by a single episcopal conference carry authentic doctrinal authority.”

Continuing, he also wrote:

The authors of this document seem so ashamed at how German bishops reacted to reports of sexual abuse by clergy that they've decided to start a moral and legal revolution in the universal church -- however, it seems this wouldn't be an evangelical revolution, but one inspired by left-liberal ideologies.

The main themes are change to the church's order and teaching on sexual morality, and ordaining women to the diaconate and priesthood … (that) the church should become as similar as possible to the liberal democratic world, which exemplifies humanism,

He also spoke of how the Germans were seeking to make the church align with the equally overbearing role of German bureaucracy in Europe:

On the contrary, it's the church's teaching which is sinful, as well as unmerciful and discriminatory -- it makes the church, according to the authors, responsible for the persecution and suicide of transgender people.

In reality, relationships between people, including sexual relationships, are traditionally subject to moral evaluation in the church's teaching. ... Love does not justify everything or make everything good. In the Catholic approach, we treat every person with respect, but not every human choice.