In a letter delivered this past Palm Sunday, Pope Francis contacted Wikileaks founder Julian Assange.
According to RomeReports, the letter was delivered to Assange by the chaplain at Belmarsh, where Assange is imprisoned. The exact details were not divulged but they are believed to have offered encouragement to Assange during his imprisonment.
In 2010, Bradley Manning leaked information to Wikileaks regarding events that occurred during the illegal Iraq War. Assange also later fell foul of Globalist politician Hillary Clinton when they leaked emails from her which included amongst other things, her staff mocking Catholics and planning to subvert the church with a ‘Catholic Spring’.
Assange has had a strange history with Christianity, he once made bizarre remarks which suggested that the confessional was an espionage tool and that the Latin Mass was the same.
Through the confessional system the Catholic church spied upon the lives of its congregants. While Latin Mass excluded most people who could not speak Latin from an understanding of the very system of thought that bound them
Perhaps he will rethink those shallow opinions after Pope Francis’s thoughtful extension of kindness on Palm Sunday. Pray that he does.
Surely, most law-abiding citizens support the removal of public-safety threats & criminals?
It is additionally offensive that Biden did this on his last full day in office
Abroad is unclear, but PP provides over 300,000 abortions in the USA
The new administration will reduce the 1 MILLION deaths p.a. by abortion!
Kevin Hay reviews the Pope’s Exorcist. An action movie, with a horror-splatter twist.