Dublin Event for Those Concerned with SPHE Curriculum

An Irish organisation will be hosting an open day this weekend for parents and educators who are concerned about changes to the law.

Ireland’s extremist government looks set to bring in radical new sex education classes, which will actually exclude marriage from lessons.

Pure in Heart will host an event for parents and teachers this coming Sunday at 23 Merrion Square for those concerned.

Their statement reads:

Many parents and teachers are concerned about changes to the new Social Personal and Health Education programme in schools. In response to this, Pure in Heart is organising an open day on Sunday, October 15th from 2pm to 6pm at 23 Merrion Square, Dublin 2.

The new SPHE programme for secondary school pupils promotes gender ideology, reduces sexual morality to consent only, and has nothing to say about marriage and very little about romance, intimacy, commitment, love or fidelity. 

SPHE incorporates Relationships and Sexuality Education.

A spokesperson for Pure in Heart said: "Parents are left in the dark about all this and few have seen the full new SPHE/RSE syllabus. They do not know they have the right to stop this version of the curriculum being taught in the first place under Section 9(d) of the Education Act."

Pure Heart will offer an alternative vision of SPHE consistent with God's plan for sex, love, relationships and marriage, content that Pure in Heart provides across Ireland and has been offering to schools, chaplaincies and parishes for the past 23yrs. 

If interested, contact info@pureinheart.ie