Irish Catholics to Hold Rosary Rallies Outside Closed Churches

Groups of Irish Catholics will gather tomorrow outside their closed churches in order to pray the Rosary, in line with current guidelines. Since it is not a formal religious service, it is outside and it does not have a formal organiser, the event matches all of the anti Catholic government’s arbitrary criteria for such events.

Similar events have occurred in the past numbers of weeks, Catholics gathering to pray the Stations of the Cross and the Rosary at altars and shrines outside their respective closed churches.

With a court case pending, it is hoped that these prayers can assist in a return to the Mass.

Mostly, it is an effort, however small, to refuse to give up entirely on the public display of the Catholic faith.

These socially distanced Rosaries are being locally organised, if you decide to proceed with one, send us photographs and we will put add them to our coverage of the event.

Feel free to share the below poster that was circulating to promote the Rosaries.
