Irish State Makes It 'Criminal Offence' to Attend Mass

The Collins English Dictionary defines a rogue state as ‘a state that conducts its policy in a dangerously unpredictable way, disregarding international law or diplomacy’.

Ireland currently fits this description.

It is completely unpredictable and irrational. It is disregarding international law and diplomacy by acting as a tax haven for Globalist companies and their staff, it has the highest rate of human trafficking in Western Europe and it is now detaining European Citizens in hotels against the norms of EU law.

This week, it has quietly announced that attendance at a religious event is criminal offence if it is not a funeral, wedding or other event that they decide to arbitrarily permit.

The many Catholic apologists for this absurd policy fail to explain how this is acceptable while such unnecessary events as French women’s rugby matches and such venues as Krispy Kreme continue unabated.

The decision given this week, sneakily included into the statute book, said that it was made with ‘regard to the immediate, exceptional and manifest risk posed to human life and public health’. Not a single transmission has been reported at a Catholic Church in Ireland.

It then continues to state that the decision to ban public Mass has been taken in consultation with a number of Government Ministers. The first Minister mentioned is Simon Coveney, the Bilderberg extremist who has spent the opening months of the year jetting off to Iran and Turkey. It then mentions the Minister for Transport Eamon Ryan, who was part of the Fianna Fail/Green Party government that agreed the bank bailout which has saddled generations with decades of debt to fund international bankers. It then mentions Leo Varadkar, who was part of the Fine Gael government that shut down the Vatican Embassy, introduced abortion on demand and who hit the headlines last year for his loutish behaviour in public during the pandemic. The next Minister was Paschal Donohoe, another Bilderberg member. The next Minister was Helen McEntee, who said in 2018 that she was ‘appalled’ after a night of prolife politicians stating opposition to disabled children being aborted, Ms. McEntee voted to make sure that a provision would not be made to stop babies being aborted if they had a disability.

The Catholic apologists are no doubt aghast right now that we could suggest that someone being a member of the Bilderberg group or pro abortion is somehow relevant (‘Mass is still on, even if it’s illegal for people to go!’ they cry) but how could it not be? Even the Minister for Health himself is a self avowed male feminist and former prolifer turned pro abort, not to mention the founder of Ireland’s most rabidly anti Catholic party the Social Democrats.

The document then states that it is a penal offence to attend Mass unless they are there to ‘lead worship or services remotely through the use of information and communications technology’ or ‘minister to the sick’. The second one is particularly interesting as a number of priests we have been in contact with have informed us of family members of elderly and ill people reporting priests to Gardai for visiting with the Sacraments.

It states that permitted events do include ‘wedding receptions’ and ‘funerals’.

This document means that it has not been illegal to attend Mass for the past year, yet the bishops and priests have acted as though it was. And so have the laity. It was a completely unnecessary suffering, which now that it is enshrined in law, means that the state can go up against Declan Ganley and say that it was telling the truth when it said that it was an offence.

This statute was brought to people’s attention by Trinity College Law Professor Oran Doyle on Twitter.

Meanwhile, the Taoiseach Michael Martin met with leaders of the Catholic and Protestant churches in Ireland this past week. He condescendingly placed the church alongside the government’s ‘Wellness’ strategy, in order words, Catholicism is now on the same level as a children’s colouring book or a bean bag.

The Bishops website states:

The Taoiseach and Church Leaders agreed the pandemic has posed challenges for all of our citizens in terms of their mental health and wellbeing and recognised the importance of faith to the spiritual and mental well-being of many people and communities and look forward to the time when church services and other in-person activities can resume.

Declan Ganley’s case will be heard again in two weeks time. On paper, the government’s vague and poorly worded document should stop it standing up in court against the constitution’s guarantee of religious freedom.

But then again, Ireland is now Globalism’s first rogue state.