Reports That Summorum Pontificum is to be 'Reformed'

Rorate Caeli has reported this evening that Pope Francis has made comments to Italian bishops to the effect that he has reached the third draft of a document which will ‘reform’ Pope Benedict XVI’s Muto Proprio Summorum Pontificum.

The 2007 document has been a source of vigour in the church since it was signed, as it freed those celebrating the Extraordinary Form of the Mass from the restriction of having to seek permission from a bishop who was likely hostile to the celebration.

Although Traditionalists hope that any ‘reform’ would not be too bad, many are worried that it would signal a return to pre Summorum days when Modernist bishops were given free reign to alienate people rather than to accommodate them, meet them where they are at, accompany them etc.

In 2018, it was reported that at least 20% of all French ordinations were Traditional priests, with the number set to arrive to the majority by 2030.

The vibrancy, youth and faith that is brought about by devotion to the Traditional Latin Mass is something that the church is benefitting greatly from today, with its beauty attracting large numbers of young people regularly.

The only consolation is that many parishes already have regular Traditional Latin Masses established and bishops might be reluctant to dispose of them. There have also been previous suggestions that the Latin Mass would be banned, stretching back almost 10 years to the beginning of the Francis papacy, and none of them came to fruition. In fact, Francis reached out to the SSPX during the Year of Mercy and repaired the relationship somewhat before it became colder in recent years in the wake of the Amazonian Synod and other events.

That is not to say that this one will not come to pass, but other mooted suggestions such as the promotion of same sex blessings, married priests and women deacons never came to pass either. As a political entity like others, the Vatican sometimes puts out feelers and waits to see how people react before acting further.

Nonetheless, there is a concerted effort within the church to abolish the muto and to suppress the Traditional Latin Mass and so, caution withstanding, those who support it and adore it should continue to advocate for its presence within the church and for their right to access it.