Texas is Now Essentially Abortion Free

In a stunning victory for the right to life, Texas has become the first state in the United States of America to effectively ban abortion.

Under the law, anyone who aids the abortion of another in direct or indirect fashion is culpable for the death of the baby aborted.

The time limit on the law is at 6 weeks pregnancy, which is effectively a total ban on abortion. Those who assist in the controlled destruction of an unborn child at an abortion facility will be liable for €10,000 to any citizen who says that they have been affected in any way by the occurrence of said child being destroyed.

US President Joe Biden, who ordered a drone strike that blew up 7 innocent Afghan children this week, referred to it as ‘outrageous’.

The bill will take effect from September. It is likely that there will be challenges to the law, but the pro abortion lobby in the USA are currently embroiled in debates about whether or not women exist and men can get pregnant, so it is unlikely that they will be able to mount an effective enough response.

As in the UK, abortion has still continued in large numbers over the course of the past decade in the USA, though prolife campaigners have won several large victories against the barbaric stone age practice, mostly in states where they have engaged heavily in politics.

Fresh from championing President Biden’s efforts in Afghanistan, which included destroying 7 innocent children this week, the American media have employed the usual trope of trying to see today’s events through the lens of Hollywood films that they may have consumed.

Today is a great day for Texas, the United States of America and for humanity.