Texas Abortion Merchants Rush Deaths of Unborns

With news that abortion would be effectively illegal in Texas from midnight, those who have made money from destroying unborn children have panicked and tried to hurry through as many controlled destructions as possible.

One such abortion activist is Marva Sadler, who claims that she was raised Christian and that these beliefs (mixed with Rastafarianism) now compel her to carry out these acts of violence against the unborn. She has said:

Whether it’s the Christian tradition I grew up with or the Rastafarian beliefs I practice now, at the core of my work as an abortion provider is the unwavering love and humanity I feel for my patients, my colleagues and my community

The company that she works for, Whole Woman’s Health, states that it ‘believes that everyone must be at the center of their own healthcare decisions. We are committed to destigmatizing abortion and creating safe spaces for all people’. Their homepage shows women shopping and laughing, though it is not clear if this is being portrayed as having occurred before or after an abortion.

In a statement released on their site, Amy Hagstrom Miller (the group’s President) stated:

This morning I woke up with a feeling of deep sadness. I’m worried. I’m numb. I’d like to take a moment to share with you all what the final hours of legal abortion care looked like in Texas last night. Whole Woman’s Health had staff and physicians providing abortions in Texas until 11:56pm CST. That was the time we finished our last abortion in Fort Worth. All day, our waiting rooms were filled with patients and their loved ones in all four of our Texas clinics. They were desperate to get an abortion before this law went into effect.

Last night we had a physician who has worked with us for decades in tears as he tried to complete the abortions for all the folks that were waiting in our Fort Worth waiting room. Marva Sadler, who is a plaintiff in this case and serves as our Director of Clinical Services, was on site working with this physician to see every single patient before last night’s deadline. She called me at 10:00pm CST with 27 patients left in the waiting room. Both she and the physician were crying asking “What can we do? How can we be sure that we can see all these folks?” Keep in mind that the anti-abortion protesters were outside from the moment we opened at 7:30am until we closed at midnight. Once it got dark [outside] they brough giant lights and shined them on the parking lot. We were under surveillance.

In an interview with 19thnews.org, Sadler unconvincingly stated ‘we are not the bad guys here’. 19thnews reported that 67 babies in total were destroyed during the last day of legal abortion in the chamber.

It is always interesting to analyse the language in such articles, the writer of that interview refers to ‘adrenaline’ rushing through the veins of those putting babies to death. The author also makes a peculiar reference of people being in ‘limbo’.

It also says that Sadler, the Christian turned Rastafarian, told the abortion doctor that the intentional killing of one child would have been a ‘victory’. In a deranged tweet today, they wrote:

Abortion is a good thing and it makes people’s lives better’.

The decision in Texas could begin a domino effect that may take years to impact the rest of the world, but nonetheless could herald a more humane and kind wave of treatment towards the unborn.

62 million Americans may have perished in the womb since Roe Vs. Wade, no less tragic than those drowning at Normandy in 1944 or falling from towers in 2001, but it is looking increasing unlikely that 62 million will die in the same way in the coming 50 years.