JFK's Driver Was Orange Order Member

There are many conspiracy theories surrounding the death of Irish American President John F. Kennedy.

Some theories, like those of 9/11, become completely immersed in the how rather than the why. Focusing on grassy knolls and second shooters, just as 9/11 ones focus on supposed ‘controlled demolitions’, some conspiracy theorists almost pathologically avoid finding a why and who for these events, instead finding more and more outlandish ‘how’.

One fact about John F. Kennedy’s assassination that is not as well known is the fact that the driver of his car that fateful November day was a member of the Orange Order and a Protestant from Northern Ireland.

William Greer was born in County Tyrone and was a member of the anti Catholic hate group the Orange Order, which marches every 12th of July.

In footage of that day’s events, he can be seen slowing down, turning around and looking at Kennedy’s bloodied body before eventually and belatedly speeding up.

In 2013, it emerged that he was a member of the Orange Order.

Some of the names of lodges in the United States of America include, ‘Heirs of Cromwell’, after the genocidal invader who slaughtered Irish Catholics.

Does Greer’s Orange Order membership mean anything other than a strange recruitment decision for an Irish Catholic at a time of anti Catholicism?

Senator Ralph Yarborough, who was riding with Lyndon B. Johnson said "When the noise of the shot was heard, the motorcade slowed to what seemed to me a complete stop... After the third shot was fired, but only after the third shot was fired, the cavalcade speeded up, gained speed rapidly, and roared away to the Parkland Hospital... The cars all stopped... 'I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings but for the protection of future Presidents, they (the Secret Service) should be trained to take off when a shot is fired."