Argentina Catholics Demonstrate Against Abortion

After success in Ireland and continued pressure in Poland, the oligarchs are now attempting to introduce abortion in another Catholic stronghold, Argentina.

In response to efforts by the government to introduce abortion once again, some 300,000 people demonstrated all over Argentina, with the largest demonstration occurring in the capital city of Buenos Aries.


Most of the groups who marched were Catholic, though there was a sizeable Evangelical presence also. At the demonstration in Buenos Aries they had a large image of an unborn child raised above the crowd.


Argentina already offers abortion for rape, incest and where the life of the mother is perceived to be in danger, so pro aborts there can’t even hide behind those arguments as Irish pro aborts did.

Argentina can take it from us here in Ireland, if they legalise abortion, babies will be born alive and left to die, birth rates will collapse and healthy babies will be aborted after misdiagnosis.

In support of the prolife campaigners, Pope Francis has sent a letter expressing his encouragement. Francis has also compared abortion to ‘hiring a hitman’.

We can only wait and see if Argentina will be subjected to the same Soros led hatred of the unborn that Poland and Ireland have been subjected to in the past number of years.