An Advent Reflection on Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati

Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati was born in Turin, Italy on the 6th of April 1901.

From a wealthy background, Blessed Pier Giorgio knew from an early age that his joy would not be found in the material gains of which he was privileged to enjoy but in the treasure found in Christ. Blessed Pier Giorgio without the knowledge of his parents would part with many of his own personal items to those who needed it more.

Frassati always aimed to model his life on Christ, from the generosity of his heart, his shoes and clothes to the homeless and to those less fortunate than him. As the Church enters into the season of Advent , the joy of Christ, the ardent love of God and love of neighbour which Blessed Pier Giorgio embodied radiate in our communities. “Foolish is he who follows the pleasures of this world, because these are always fleeting and bring much pain. The only true pleasure is that which comes to us through faith.”

Submitted by Versolalto2020. Follow them on Instagram.