US Bishops to Debate Asking Biden to Stop Receiving Communion

One of the controversial issues on the road to the controversial 2020 US Presidential Election was the Catholicity of Joe Biden.

Biden is one of the most extreme pro abortion politicians in the United States, his Presidency has revoked the Mexico City policy and has already begun the process of funding US abortion imperialism abroad, using large funds to intimidate countries overseas into aborting their babies.

The US President also drew controversy for his heavy involvement in the illegal and criminal Iraq War, which led to 82% of Iraq’s Christians being wiped out.

Yet, his campaign repeatedly insisted that Biden was a ‘devout’ Catholic, as he attends Mass each day.

Now, under increasing pressure and facing the backlash of the Biden administration’s ruthless pro abortion policies, the US Catholic Bishops have proposed to debate instructing him not to receive the Eucharist until he ceases support for murdering innocent little babies.

Archbishop Joseph Naumann of the US Bishops Conference stated:

‘‘Because President Biden is Catholic, it presents a unique problem for us It can create confusion. How can he say he’s a devout Catholic and he’s doing these things that are contrary to the church’s teaching?”

Bishop John Stowe criticised the move saying:

If a politician is targeted as a negative example by his own church, that sets a sad context in which the church can deal with this Catholic president. It contributes to the polarization of the church and of society’’.

Bishop Robert McEllroy stated:

I do not see how depriving the president or other political leaders of the Eucharist based on their public policy stance can be interpreted in our society as anything other than a weaponization of the Eucharist ... to pummel them into submission,

Archbishop Cordeleone was more positive about its potential, stating:

that would move them in their conscience.”

“They need to understand the scandal that is caused when they say they are faithfully Catholic and yet oppose the church on such a basic concept

The US church is passing through a difficult moment and debating the importance of the real presence and the necessity of being in a state of grace is a must for now.

The debate will occur in June at their annual conference.