Scottish Bishops Condemn Ireland's Anti Catholic Lockdown

After Bishop Schneider contacted Catholic Arena to speak up against the draconian restrictions on religious worship in Ireland, the President of the Scottish Bishops Conference has also joined the chorus deploring the vicious anti clerical crackdown.

Bishop Hugh Gilbert issued the following statement:

“As the Catholic Church in Scotland this year celebrates the 1500th Anniversary of the birth of St Columba who brought the faith from Ireland to Scotland in the 6th century, the thoughts and prayers of the Church in Scotland are now directed to our brothers and sisters in Ireland.”

“Recent developments that penalise the celebration of Holy Mass have been disturbing not only to the Irish Bishops’ Conference but also to the Bishops of Scotland. We all recognise the need for restrictions to protect the common good of all people in a pandemic but to enact legislation that criminalises those who gather to celebrate Holy Mass is indeed extreme and unjust.”

“May the strong bonds between the Catholic Church in Ireland and Scotland established by St Patrick, St Columba, the Celtic saints and the faith of our forebears reassure our brothers and sisters in Ireland that they are not alone and are always in our prayers.”

Ireland has now become the ONLY country in Europe where public worship is banned despite not even a SINGLE Covid case being linked to a SINGLE Catholic Church.

Last week, Gardai STORMED a Catholic Church in Athlone, even as reports emerged in the media of them turning a blind eye to beaches packed with thousands of revellers.

Catholics will gather at their closed churches for Rosary Rallies once again this coming Sunday as the Irish media and political parties prepare a blitz of anti Catholic propaganda in response.