Vatican New Age Conference To Host Strange Guests

The Vatican has made some wild errors of judgement in the past number of years.

One that stands out is the presence of the Pachamama, a bizarre Amazonian fertility idol that was worshipped by high ranking prelates.

Now we are facing similarly absurd event, the #Unitetoprevent event will bring together extreme pro abortion campaigners, New Age gurus and eh, the guitarist from Aerosmith.

Chelsea Clinton of the pro abortion Clinton Foundation has drawn many people’s ire since she was announced to appear at this event.

Yet it is another speaker who is even more worrisome, Deepak Chopra.

Chopra is a popular New Age author, who has preached open heresy about the life of Jesus Christ.

In an interview with Reuters some years ago, Chopra denied the divinity of Christ, referring to him merely as someone who was ‘enlightened’.

I want to offer the possibility that Jesus was truly, as he proclaimed, a savior. Not the savior, not the one and only Son of God. Rather Jesus embodied the highest level of enlightenment.

He continued:

Jesus intended to save the world by showing others the path to God-consciousness.

Interestingly, Chopra was educated by Irish Missionaries in India as a child, yet it appears as though they never passed on any proper theological understanding to him.

Chopra openly mocked the Catholic Church in that interview by stating that it had gone against Christ:

In the Crusades, in witch hunts, in burning people on the stake, homophobia, depriving women of their rights, all kinds of things.

“The present day crisis in Christianity is it’s bogged down in issues like -- what would Jesus do? They make pronouncements on things like abortion, women’s rights, homophobia, stem cell research -- nothing to do with Christ,

Firstly, Chopra seems to think that the Church should have allowed Muslims to conquer their lands if he opposes the Crusades. Secondly, Protestants burned people at the stake, not Catholics. Thirdly, Catholicism is not afraid of anyone, rationally or otherwise. Fourthly, women have always been more valued in Catholics societies than in others, as an Indian, he should know that.

Killing babies is against Christ. Forcing women to work to serve Capitalistic or Communistic regimes is against Christ. Killing an unborn baby for stem cells when adults stem cells are available is against Christ.

It is intellectually lazy of Chopra to say otherwise.

Chopra has nothing at all to offer in terms of the stated role of the organisation to seek ‘the creation of healthier communities and create bridges to catalyze the creation of new, interdisciplinary approaches and partnerships for improving health, wellbeing and understanding human uniqueness’.

We will be featuring more on the New Age in the coming weeks, since it has become a feature of modern life which must be resisted, especially when it subverts the Vatican from within.