Declan Ganley 'Redoubles Efforts' against Irish Mass Ban

Although public Mass is scheduled to return in Ireland on the 10th of May, the statutory instrument which made it a criminal offence remains, and can be invoked at any time in the future.

In response to this, Declan Ganley has redoubled his efforts to bring legal challenges against this instrument by partnering with ADF International. ADF’s website describes them as a ‘faith-based legal advocacy organization that protects fundamental freedoms and promotes the inherent dignity of all people. Working on an international level, we have a full-time presence at all the institutions of strategic international importance’.

ADF had significant success assisting the church in Scotland by helping the legal challenge that eventually declared the ban on Mass there unconstitutional. While some may argue that this was not necessary because lockdown there has been eased, it is a landmark precedent for a court to state that the authorities have no right to impinge upon the right to worship publicly.

Now, in a new video and statement released this weekend, ADF state that Ganley is

‘redoubling his efforts to ensure that the blanket ban on worship will never be imposed again and to hold the government to account’.

Catholic Arena reached out to ADF for comment and on their behalf barrister Lorcan Price said:

The decision to eventually reopen churches after the longest lasting blanket ban on public worship in Western Europe is a step in the right direction. But it is important for the court to decide whether this ban was ever truly justified, having regard to the rights protected in the Irish Constitution and international law, especially as there is a possibility that such measures may be repeated in the future.

The urgency of this issue garnered renewed urgency last week after footage emerged of Gardai entering a church in Athlone. We must say, the footage was shocking in and of itself, but the most shocking part was that the Irish media refused to cover it and no politician mentioned it either in the Dail or on social media. Compare this to last year’s minute’s silence in the Dail for George Floyd, the debates over the treatment of the Muslim Uighurs in China or the many politicians who participated in Black Lives Matter protests. It seems as though our politicians are enamoured with every civil rights cause apart from the ones that they are responsible for

In the video, Ganley refers to the instrument as ‘overreach, wrong and needs to be overturned’. He rightfully points out that there is no scientific evidence connecting Catholic churches in Ireland with outbreaks of the virus.

Appearing alongside him is popular Athenry priest and Youtube podcaster Fr. Brendan Kilcoyne, who states ‘I feel we could have worked with the state and saved something from the wreckage, instead what we are doing is immensely destructive’.

Lorcan Price continued:

There is no clear reason as to why the Irish government prevented places of worship from opening for so long, in particular considering the fact that other European Countries allowed religious worship to continue with safety precautions which protect both the public at religious services and the wider community. 

Ireland is now the only country in Western Europe to still have in law a draconian restriction on religious freedom, while allowing shops and other public spaces to open with safety measures in place. The Irish government must understand that communal worship is as essential as food and water for many Irish people,” said Lorcan Price, Irish Barrister and Legal Counsel for ADF International.

We are at a very important juncture in recent Irish history. This week also saw an onslaught against Catholic education in the Dail, we know that there is no letup on the aggression coming our way, our response needs to be organised and effective.

With further lockdowns likely in the winter months, the case is crucial if Ireland is the avoid once again becoming the ONLY country in Western Europe to issue long term blanket bans on public worship.

You can visit the ADF’s website statement on this case here.