Catholic Schools Thwart Fine Gael Trans Plan for Small Kids — Catholic Arena

Catholic Schools Thwart Fine Gael Trans Plan for Small Kids

Fine Gael have been left reeling after their plans for a widescale indoctrination program on transgenderism was roundly rejected by Catholic schools.

Championed by open borders extremist Roderic O’Gorman, infamous for posing for a photograph with Peter Tatchell, the plans had intended to teach children as young as 4 that there was no intrinsic nature of male and female.

The opposition to Fine Gael’s plans will come as a massive blow to the party, who have managed to ensure the silence and support of Catholic schools for their various social engineering programmes.

The Catholic Primary Schools Management Association however were brave enough to stick their heads above the parapet and defy the government’s incredibly extreme plan.

An irate backlash from Fine Gael emerged today, with the party unaccustomed to resistance, having successfully bullied the church on every front since Enda Kenny shut the Vatican Embassy to distract from austerity policies in the early 2010s.

A clearly rattled Leo Varadkar said:

"I think the purpose of the education system is to prepare children for life and to teach them about the world.

Trans people exist. They have always existed and I think it makes more sense in schools to just inform children about the world around them.

This does not have to be a value judgment as to whether it is right or wrong.

But it just makes sense to me that education is about teaching children about the real world. Trans people exist in the real world so why not just give them information and facts?

It does not have to be a value judgment in either direction to challenge anyone's personal or religious opinions.

The CPSMA had said:

What it means to be transgender would require to teach something about which there is neither a scientific nor social consensus to highly impressionable young children.

It would be counterproductive, generating unnecessary divisions in school communities where none now exist.

More seriously, it might add to a growing psychological contagion amongst young and vulnerable children.

We believe a more prudent and sensible policy is to teach children to respect every human being and to allow children to be children.

We should not prematurely introduce children to complex and sensitive topics around which there is no scientific or medical consensus.
