Spain’s Socialist government has sensationally BANNED the public saying of the Rosary in Madrid ahead of the European Elections.
Pedro Sanchez’s government has told the organisers of the daily Rosary in Madrid that they will not be allowed to gather in the city on June 8th of June 9th due to a ‘day of reflection’ and the election day.
It comes after already fining its leader thousands for praying in public.
Catholics have said that they will defy the order.
— Catholic Arena (@CatholicArena) May 31, 2024
The Socialist government has BANNED Catholics from praying the Rosary in public on June 8th or 9th.
Anyone caught praying the Rosary in public faces fines or JAIL on those days. @jandcalderon985
El Delegado de Gobierno vuelve a las andadas: me prohíbe rezar en el Santuario Mariano el 8 y el 9 de junio. Son unos tiranos que no saben qué inventarse para amordazarnos.
— † Andrés † (@jandcalderon985) May 31, 2024
Ya le aviso: tendrá que mandar que me lleven esposado si pretende que deje de rezar el Rosario. (HILO ⬇️)