Irish Politician Denied Communion For Anti Life Stance

With the country descending into anarchy over the aggressive and reckless migration policies currently being pursued, you would imagine that Fine Gael would have more on their minds than the religious habits of some of its members.

Yet, the party is up in arms over pro abortion politician Colm Burke being denied Communion.

Colm Burke said that he was denied Communion, not for the first time, by Fr. Gabriel Burke.

Colm Burke appears to have followed Mary McAleese and has now become an expert in Canon Law in the wake of being denied Communion last week, stating:

‘My understanding is that Canon Law, in fact, doesn't give him the authority to refuse to give Holy Communion to anyone’.

Some close friends of Fine Gael have rowed in behind Burke. Mary McAleese devolved into a deranged rant about limbo for some reason. McAleese has in the past appeared in Orange Lodges and received Communion in a Protestant Church, during which she never publicly criticised the teachings of either.

Burke was also defended by the Association of Catholic Priests, a Fine Gael linked group that is in its last days after falling into irrelevance due to an ageing and increasingly negative outlook.

As a sign of the delusional sense of grandeur which imbues many Irish politicians, Burke blasted Pope Francis in 2022 for not appointing more Irish Cardinals. Considering the fact that his party has recently adopted the position that national identity is a social construct and that borders are irrelevant, it is quite hard to follow his logic. How is a French or Brazilian or Australian Cardinal any different from any Irish one, according to a Fine Gael party that has not believed in the borders for the past 5 years?

In 2011, Burke’s party shut down the Vatican Embassy in a desperate bid to redirect post economic crash at the church. We must admit, it was a largely successful move and their Kulturkampf against the church has lasted for almost a decade and a half now.

While Irish politicians talk a big game about separating church and state, about removing the church from public life and about moving on from the past, they seem completely terrified by the prospect of a building where their state pensions, state cars and titles mean nothing.

We urge everyone to contact Bishop William Crean to offer support for Fr. Gabriel Burke.