Ten Thousand Polish Bikers Rally for Jesus

Polish bikers sent a powerful message to the country’s Marxists this week, with a large outdoor pilgrimage at Jasna Gora Monastery that defied efforts by the far left to ban Mass.

Father Michal Legan emphasised that the participants were socially distance, wore masks and did not go against limits for outdoor gatherings.

One of the bikers was quoted by the Associated Press as saying, ‘We have fears, but tradition and faith work wonders’.


Fr Waldemar Cisło, said in his homily that "we are again witnesses of the situation in which people and centres of power want to convince us that if we drive God out of the heart of man, from our schools, from our families, places of work or study we could achieve the desired happiness".


He mentioned how, ‘Christianity in the modern world is considered by many to be an enemy of human rights’. He also said that it is as if, ‘the Sars-CoV-2 virus became contagious only in places of worship, and not on the subway or in shopping malls". He said, "there will be an increasing need for courageous Christians" who said that they need to ensure that it "does not become a Church of silence and only of sacristy".

Poland’s left wing media were up in arms over the pilgrimage during lockdown, despite ardently supporting mass gatherings of Soros funded anti baby activists for almost a year now.

XVIII Motocyklowy Zlot Gwiaździsty (Jasna Góra, 11.04.2021) Romet Pony Mini 125 Kazanie z Mszy św.