'Outrageous!' Declan Ganley speaks on Government's 'Defiance' of Constitution

In a video clip released today by Immaculata Productions, Declan Ganley speaks to Fr. Brendan Kilcoyne of the Brendan Option Podcast on the current draconian restrictions against religious worship in Ireland.

Ganley is currently taking a court case against the Irish State in opposition to its imposition of blanket ban on religious worship, something that seems an obvious contradiction to the constitution’s guarantee of religious worship, as outlined in Article 44. That article begins:

1 The State acknowledges that the homage of public worship is due to Almighty God. It shall hold His Name in reverence, and shall respect and honour religion.

2     1° Freedom of conscience and the free profession and practice of religion are, subject to public order and morality, guaranteed to every citizen.

During the last hearing, the court told the Irish State that they had two weeks to come up with proof that they did in fact have the authority to carry out such draconian restrictions.

In the new clip release today, Ganley tells Fr. Kilcoyne that the ban is ‘very clearly unconstitutional’, which is why, he says, he took the case.

Please pray for the success of the case as it goes through the legal process, some feel frustrated that we do not have bishops and priests flinging open churches, but if this is successful it will actually be the most sustainable option as it will stop potential lockdowns on religious worship in the coming years.

You can watch the clip between Father Brendan Kilcoyne and Declan Ganley below, subscribe to Immaculata Productions for the future full length video.