Another Weekend of Rosary Rallies by Irish Catholics

Although many people are seeking the drama of a defiant reopening of public Mass without government or episcopal approval, realistically, if that was going to happen it would have done so by now.

Realistically also, the thrill of such an act would likely be worth more than the effectiveness of it. Not that it isn’t worth trying, but back in January or prior to Easter would have been ideal times to do so, at least compared to now.

With the resignation that no priest is likely to step up and do so (bound by their vows of obedience to be fair, though Canon Lawyers have been noticeably silent on whether it is lawful to deny people the Sacraments on the order of the government), we must do what we can with what we have in our control.

Many Catholics have gathered for Rosary Rallies at their churches in the past numbers of weeks, completely in line with the ‘laws’ that are currently there, praying the Rosary spaced out in the carparks of their churches.

In Wexford today, Catholics joined others across the country and prayed the Rosary together, as their church remained close for Mass.

This is a good example which Catholics must adopt rather than falling into despair or helplessness. Care for your soul as best as you can, get to Confession and Adoration if you can, attend or organise these Rosary Rallies if they are available to you.

While politicians and even some members of the hierarchy and clergy seem to have abandoned us, Christ never will.
