Irish Priest Celebrates Easter at Mass Rock

As Globalist governments impose increasingly hateful selective restrictions on Catholic celebrations, priests are going to have to find new and creative ways to evade the spiteful bans on the Mass. This is especially the case in Ireland, which has endured the longest and least productive ban under the current Fianna Fail/Fine Gael and Green Party government.

Thankfully, there are old and trusted ways that they can follow.

The most striking and rich example of these is the Mass Rock, which sustained the faith for centuries in secret at locations in which Catholics would attend for fear of being arrested of executed by the British police.

On Easter Sunday, Fr. Gerard Quirke took to the Mass Rock on the scenic Achill Island to say Mass. The scene is simply breathtaking.


With the current Globalist regime increasingly cruel and wicked towards Ireland, only a scoffer would rule out such a similar situation in the near future. Sex shops, abortion clinics and donut shops all remain untouched by lockdown, yet our churches which have had ZERO infections linked to them even during the Christmas period. Tony Holohan, Micheal Martin and Drew Harris have all made their feelings on Catholicism clear and no amount of naive wishful thinking can ignore that Ireland is now the closest that Western Europe has come to Communist style restrictions on religion since the 1930s. If you think otherwise, you are free to do so, but the facts are there for all to see. 39 weeks of discriminating against Catholics, completely unrelated to science and far more draconian than any other in the world, as Angelo Bottone has illustrated here.

With the bishops unwilling to act meaningfully, Catholics ratting out their fellow Catholics to the Gardai and taking the side of pro abortion politicians who scream in the faces of Catholics praying and who then lie about them on social media, we have to be realistic that the best course of action now is to form small communities, attend confession and who knows, return to the Mass Rocks.

Video: Immaculata Productions

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