New Orleans Archbishop Warns Against Using 'Abortion Cell Line' Johnson and Johnson Vaccine — Catholic Arena

New Orleans Archbishop Warns Against Using 'Abortion Cell Line' Johnson and Johnson Vaccine

If there has been one positive to take from the past year, it has been that people are aware for the first time that the bodies of aborted babies are used in industries that produce countless products that they use on a daily basis. The most prominent at the moment are pharmaceutical, but in the past companies such as Pepsi have used aborted cell lines in producing their products.

A number of the vaccines relating to Covid 19 have been made using these aborted cell lines, sparking debate over their legitimacy for Catholic usage.

One American Bishop, Bishop Strickland, has advised his flock not to use either Pfizer, Moderna or Johnson and Johnson’s Vaccine because of this.

Now, the Archdiocese of New Orleans has weighed in on the matter, instructing to stay away from the Johnson and Johnson Vaccine.

The statement reads:

There has been much discussion of late over the COVID-19 vaccines becoming available to the public as a means of bringing the pandemic under control. For Catholics in particular there has been much discussion and debate about moral and ethical questions around the development of the vaccines in regards to their use of morally compromised cell lines created from two abortions that occurred, one in the 1970s and one in the 1980s.

The Archdiocese of New Orleans, in light of guidance from the Vatican, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, and The National Catholic Bioethics Center affirm that though there was some lab testing that utilized the abortion-derived cell line, the two vaccines currently available from Pfizer and Moderna do not rely on cell lines from abortions in the manufacturing process and therefore can be morally acceptable for Catholics as the connection to abortion is extremely remote.

It is under the same guidance that the archdiocese must instruct Catholics that the latest vaccine from Janssen/Johnson & Johnson is morally compromised as it uses the abortion-derived cell line in development and production of the vaccine as well as the testing.

We maintain that the decision to receive the COVID-19 vaccine remains one of individual conscience in consultation with one’s healthcare provider. We also maintain that in no way does the Church’s position diminish the wrongdoing of those who decided to use cell lines from abortions to make vaccines. In doing so, we advise that if the Moderna or Pfizer vaccine is available, Catholics should choose to receive either of those vaccines rather than to receive the new Johnson & Johnson vaccine because of its extensive use of abortion-derived cell lines.

The mainstream media is already piling the pressure on New Orleans.

If you wish to inform yourself more about these issues, we recommend this site here.