Incredible Footage of Worldwide Rosary

It is easy to imagine that we live in the first generation connected through technology, but even 40 years ago there were efforts to unite people through satellite technology.

In 1987, Pope John Paul II led millions of Catholics around the world in a Rosary broadcast via satellite.

Catholics gathered at 16 Marian Shrines across each continent, with Knock, Fatima and others represented.

The ‘Prayer for World Peace’ broadcast was directed by Tony Verna, a visionary American producer who had broadcast similar events such as the Olmypics and Live Aid.

In stirring footage from the end of the event, you can see Catholics waving white flags for Our Lady and chanting Salve Regina across the world as millions, including Mother Theresa, join in.

It was not long afterwards that the Berlin Wall came down, make of that what you will.

It certainly makes one wonder what are we doing with the more advanced technology that we have when we do not utilise it as well as they did in 1987.