Cardinal Calls for End to Use of Abuse Art in Church


These were the words this week of Vatican Communications Chief when a crowd of people said that the abuse art of Marko Rupnik should no longer be used.

Ruffini’s comments were met with universal disgust, even from one Synodal leader who has repeatedly insisted that the abuse art is a ‘work of grace’ and that it is ‘Puritan’ to want his art to stop being used in order to protect his victims.

Now, Cardinal O’Malley has sent a letter on the issue, as part of his role on protection within the church.

"We must avoid sending a message that the Holy See is oblivious to the psychological distress that so many are suffering,

Pastoral prudence would prevent displaying artwork in a way that could imply either exoneration or a subtle defense. or indicate indifference to the pain and suffering of so many victims of abuse’’.

His victims, some of whom he raped in Satanic orgies and forced them to drink his semen from a chalice, have also issued fresh appeals for his abuse art to be stopped from being used.

The news will no doubt come as a massive disappointment to one Synod leader, who staked his entire reputation on insisting that the abuse art was a ‘work of grace’ and should be maintained in public view.

Many Irish parishes and dioceses still use Rupnik’s abuse in their communications, particularly his images of Saint Brigid and the Irish martyrs.