One Burning Candle : A Lockdown Reflection

With Catholics today living in what some be described as a post- Christian era, we should be highly honoured and know how blessed we are to witness for Christ in this godless and chaotic world.

Holy men and women who have come before us would have done anything to witness to His Holy Name and Face in these times. One prominent one that comes to mind is Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen who preached fearlessly in the 20th century in the United States of America, in such a timeless fashion that some of his videos including the one below went viral a number of times in the past year

In March 2020, the world turned upside down overnight and all of those things that we thought that we were comfortable with were swept from under our feet by both state and ecclesial leaders alike as our churches and other shops and amenities were shuttered, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, the most essential of all things, could only be said behind locked doors and streamed online for the congregation to ‘participate’ in remotely.

However, this was to be almost a substitution for being present at Calvary the moment the priest, in persona Christi kisses the altar. To me, this did not make much sense, firstly the closure of the churches which are generally never crowded in the first place, where the faithful are always two metres apart at least to start with. Most importantly, it is gravely wrong to shut the sick, the anxious, and the isolated from the Physician and Author of Life who can heal our very souls and restore all things if we would not rebel against His Sacred Heart and His Mercy. While the cancellation of public worship was very wrong, I always understood God had a purpose.

Over the following months, through the immensely painful separation from the Source and Giver of all life, spiritual reading and taking a particular interest in the messages and warnings of approved worldwide Marian apparitions, I realised we were being called to and being prepared for a great mission offering up these immense trials and sacrifices for the conversion of our leaders and for all of mankind who have drifted far from the laws of God, out of ignorance, poor instruction and insufficient preaching of the Gospel message and good theological explanations. It can be very tempting to fall into despair and hopelessness, but it was a realisation that many people, myself especially, the availability of sacraments and the right to publicly worship was taken for granted. We do not know what is going on behind the scenes fully as of now, but we can only pray and constantly rejoice in the Lord that any evil planned will fail through the intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, who crushed the serpent under Her feet and, Her most chaste spouse St. Joseph.

God gives and takes away things from His beloved people out of love, so we should never reject suffering and trials as they come our way, allowing all sufferings borne well to increase a zeal and joy in the Lord. We are all called to be great saints so be the light of the world and great cloud of witnesses animated by Faith. St. Bernadette, one of my favourite saints, who suffered so much said, “You must learn the love of suffering, Our Lord gives His Crown of Thorns to His friends, seek nothing better”.

Take heart knowing that whatever may happen in the world, no matter the evil that is and will be deemed as good, God will triumph, and He will be glorified in all things for all eternity! He will disperse all confusion and heresies through the intercession of Our Lady and St. Joseph and all the choir of angels and saints. It is always the silent, good-willed and God-fearing men and women who change the world and who put fear into the deep state and the deep church, proven by Jesus as He was condemned to death by Pilate refusing to bow to the ways of the world. The world may be dark but the light shines even brighter, for it only takes one burning candle to light up a room of sheer darkness.

Never forget the words of Our Lady, “My Immaculate Heart will be your refuge”. Pray the Rosary everyday for the intentions and triumph of Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart and for our Catholic Church, founded by Jesus Christ. The Gates of Hell shall not prevail against Her!

Our Lady of Fatima, ora pro nobis.

Our Lady of Revelation, ora pro nobis.

Therese Florendia