TG4 Anti Catholic Hate Piece Leads to Calls for Licence Fee Scrap

Nobody should be forced to pay for others to hate and mock them.

Yet that is what is happening to Catholics in Ireland.

In a warped video released yesterday, Irish language station TG4 deliberately mocked and insulted Catholics with a warped, tacky and uncreative video as part of its BLOCTG4 social media platform

British born head of TG4, Alan Esslemont, who previously worked for the British Broadcasting Corporation, has said of this platform that ‘We are also aware of how audiences, especially young audiences, are changing the way they view content and we have doubled our investment in young people’s programming and established a new digital non-linear channel called ‘BLOC’ which serves young people aged 18-35’.

Are young people aged 18-35 inclined to bully people of faith with taxpayer money as TG4 have decided to do?

The worst thing about all of this, is that the content was not creative, edgy or original. It was exactly of the intellectual caliber that would be expected of people who desire to use taxpayer money to insult the people who pay said taxes.

Section 8.3 of the station's content guidelines states:

'Reflecting a range of views does not allow for the incitement of hatred towards any
group on the basis of their ethnic origin, nationality, religion, race, gender, sexual
orientation, marital status, disability, illness, age or membership of the travelling

They have clearly done so.

Many people took to social media today to call for the TV Licence funding to TG4 to be scrapped.

We posed the following questions to TG4, at the time of publishing however, they had not yet responded. If they choose to respond, we will update the article in due course. In the meantime, stop paying your TV Licence, enough.

1) Do you stand by the deliberately offensive piece?

2) Do you believe, that with record homelessness and a looming recession that such pieces are the best use of taxpayer money?

3) Will you commit to a future ASMR featuring images of the Prophet Mohammad by means of expressing a commitment to impartiality and equal treatment of all faiths?

4) Do you have plans for any further hate pieces mocking Catholics, or was this a once off?

Catholic Arena are currently running a poll on the issue of defunding TG4 in light of their bigotry.