Vigano Rejects Schism Charges in New Letter

Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano has strongly rejected charges of schism in a very direct and uncompromising letter.

Entitled ‘J’accuse’, it sets out his belief that he has not distanced himself from the Mystical Body of Christ.

I face this trial with the determination that comes from knowing that I have no reason to consider myself separated from communion with the Holy Church and the Papacy, which I have always served with filial devotion and fidelity. I could not conceive a single instant of my life outside of this unique Ark of salvation, which Providence has constituted as the Mystical Body of Christ, in submission to its divine Head and His Vicar on earth.

He also links the current crisis in the church to the rise of Freemasonry within its ranks:

As Romano Amerio highlighted in his fundamental essay Iota unum , this vile and guilty surrender begins weith the convocation of the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council and with the underground and highly organized action of ecclesiastics and lay people linked to the Masonic sects, aimed at slowly but inexorably subverting the structure of government and teaching of the Church to demolish it from within.

Vigano then goes on to accuse Pope Francis himself of schism and heresy and calls for him to be removed from the throne.

Before my Brothers in the Episcopate and the entire ecclesial body, I accuse Jorge Mario Bergoglio of heresy and schism, and as a heretic and schismatic I ask that he be judged and removed from the throne which he has unworthily occupied for over eleven years. This in no way contradicts the adage Prima Sedes a nemine judicatur , because it is evident that a heretic, because he is unable to assume the Papacy, is not above the Prelates who judge him.

I also accuse Jorge Mario Bergoglio of having caused – because of the prestige and authority of the Apostolic See that he usurps – serious adverse effects, sterility and death in the millions of faithful who followed his insistent appeal to undergo inoculation with an experimental genetic serum produced with aborted fetuses, going so far as to have a Note published that indicated its use as morally licit ( here and here ). He will have to answer before the Tribunal of God for this crime against humanity.

Finally, I denounce the secret agreement between the Holy See and the Chinese communist dictatorship, with which the Church is humiliated and forced to accept the government appointment of Bishops, the control of celebrations and the limitations on its freedom of preaching, while faithful Catholics to the Apostolic See are persecuted with impunity by the Beijing government in the complicit silence of the Roman Sanhedrin.

You can read his full letter here.