Chinese Communists Arrest Dozens of Clerics Including Bishop

Communist police in Xinxiang in China have rounded up a bishop, seven priests and ten seminarians this weekend.

100 Communist police surrounded the seminary, which also served as a factory, and made the arrests in a show of brutal strength under the New Regulations on religious activities.

Asia News reports that the Communists are going from ‘house to house’ in search of those seminarians who escaped when the police arrived.

The Vatican signed a much criticised agreement with the Chinese Communist Party a number of years ago, under the tutelage of Cardinal McCarrick, who has been implicated in sex scandals ever since. McCarrick was also heavily linked to current US President Joe Biden and the previous Obama administration.

Although the attacks on the Uyghurs have become a cause célèbre in recent months, the persecution of Catholics has gone unabated since the 1950s, picking up newfound steam after the Vatican agreement appeared to give a blank cheque to the Communists, who knew that Rome would be looking the other way for now.

China has accelerated its process of destroying crosses and Catholic churches in recent years, with regular destructions of churches taking place.

In recent months, Irish/British anti Catholic party Sinn Fein praised the Chinese Communist Party, claiming that they had ‘ended poverty’.