Sister Wilhelmina is Heaven's Rebuke to the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence

While the LA Dodgers gave a middle finger to Catholics everywhere by hosting anti Catholic hate group the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, God was preparing a miracle by way of rebuke in the most unlikely of places, the United States of America.

The modern day Sodom and Gomorrah, the country that eradicated 4/5ths of Iraqi Christians in a criminal war and that sanctions countries that do not promote abortion and other such values, this USA thought that it could mock the Catholic faith in public view.

The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence were formed in the 1970s, designed to continue the age old American tradition of public bullying of Catholic minorities.

The LA Dodgers, after initially being concerned about appearing to be anti Catholic, went full on Ku Klux Klan against local Catholics by honouring the hate group with a ‘Community Hero Award’.

Such a viscerally anti Catholic decision was one that shocked many normally reserved public figures in the States such as Bishop Robert Barron and Marco Rubio, who both even referred to the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence as an anti Catholic hate group.

Why are they an anti Catholic hate group? They generally feature geriatric men dressed up in nun’s outfits. sometimes with paint on their faces, with psuedo religious names by way of mockery.

As fate would have it, a rare miraculous event in the history of the United States of America was occurring at the same time.

The body of Sister Wilhelmina Lancaster was being exhumed in Gower, Missouri.

Sister Wilhelmina died 4 years ago and was buried without embalmment and in a simple wooden box.

Crowds of Americans have since flocked to the remains, some out of morbid curiosity, some of out of prayerful reverence.

The physical and spiritual ugliness of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence is obvious for all to see, grown men in their 50s and 60s dressed like nuns, yet unable to hide their excess weight under their chins, their stubble etc.

The beauty, physically by route of her spiritual beauty, of Sister Wilhelmina, is heaven’s best rebuke to those who need the applause of society, who need community awards to feel like they have achieved something of value.

When Dostoyevsky said that ‘Beauty Will Save the World’, this was what he meant.